The Dark web, ins and outs


A world full of mystery that contains all the bad desires of humans from disgusting crimes, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, and everything bad that can come to mind.

But the question that arises is why did the US government create the dark web and why do many major international newspapers have websites on the dark web such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the BBC, USA Today and many others, especially since it greatly affects our daily lives. To the point that we learned about the Corona virus from the dark web and also a lot of the news that reaches us today, the dark web is the first and primary source for our knowledge of it.

- The three types of webs:

1-The surface web, which constitutes 10% of the size of the Internet and is the regular web that we deal with and which we can access via Google, such as YouTube, Wikipedia, etc.

2-The deep web, which constitutes 90% of the size of the Internet and includes all the databases that cannot be accessed via Google, for example, the databases of government headquarters, hospitals, etc.

3-The dark web, which contains 0.01% of the data volume on the Internet, which dates back to the Free net project, which was founded in 2000 after the Internet became available to everyone to ensure the confidentiality of data transmitted over the Internet by the American government.

- How to enter the dark web: 

The usual way is when you write, for example, the name of a site on Google, the request is sent to the communications provider in the country to transfer my request and secure the connection with the requested site. However, in the case of the dark web, it is done through a process called onion routing. It is a complex process that aims to not know the information of the person who will enter the dark web, and this is through the VPN and not entering directly, but rather through the stages of naming the notes through indirect methods until reaching the exit note, which is the point at which people who try to enter the dark web are usually discovered. It is prohibited and trying to enter it is considered a violation of the law in many countries around the world.

- Why the Dark Web is Available to Everyone:

There are several reasons, including security reasons related to the US government. When there is information about other people on the Dark Web, this protects US government information from any hacking of the site by not finding its information only on it. Thus, there is a layer of protection that can be said for US government information.

It is also possible through the Dark Web to communicate between people who do not want to reveal their identities when exchanging messages and political opinions that are prohibited in their countries.

Therefore, there are websites for the most important international newspapers on the Dark Web, in order to facilitate people to provide information without revealing their identities, especially those who live in countries where there is no freedom of expression.

Dark Web is an invention like any other invention that has two sides, a positive side and a negative side. Yes, it contains many illegal things, but even the regular internet that we use, the surface web, is like that. The Dark Web, perhaps because of its name, is considered a sea of ​​darkness full of crimes, but it is a tool for transmitting news and information from countries that suffer from the suppression of freedom of expression. 

Thanks to the Dark Web, the world was able to learn about the Coronavirus, the news about which was hidden at the beginning of its appearance.

It is a double-edged sword, just like anything else, that can be used for good or evil, and we are the ones who decide that.