Behind the scenes of languages


Communication between humans is considered one of the most important discoveries of humanity, which dates back to the era of ancient man, where sign language or expression was used by imitating animal sounds to express something, and then it began to develop and the stage of images began that still bear witness to the history of ancient peoples. Then the stage of writing began through primitive letters that symbolically expressed the events taking place and gradually developed until we reached the stage of languages ​​that we witness today, which also went through stages of development until it became what it is today.

- The most widely spoken languages ​​in the world:

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, followed by Mandarin, the language of the Chinese people, and then Spanish, which is widespread in several regions around the world and is the official language of Spain and most of the peoples of the American continent. Then comes Arabic, which occupies the fourth place in the world in terms of spread, and in fifth place is Urdu, which is widespread in India, after that, French becomes one of the most widely spoken international languages.

- Multilingual countries: 

There are many countries around the world whose inhabitants speak several languages. For example, India, although Urdu is the official language of the country, has 180 languages ​​in India in addition to more than 500 dialects. The same is true in China, which has more than 100 languages ​​in addition to Mandarin, the official language of the country.

It is not limited to large countries. In the European continent, Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French, and German. Switzerland also has four official languages: German, Italian, French, and Romansh. Students there study all of these languages ​​in school.

- Countries without an official language:

It may be shocking that countries that are considered primarily English do not consider English their official language, such as the United States of America, for example.

- Bilingual countries: 

Some countries, depending on their historical circumstances or diverse population structure, have two official languages. In Canada, both English and French are considered official languages ​​in the country.

- The most difficult languages ​​in the world:

The matter is relative. It may be easy for a person to learn a difficult language because his language is similar to that language. However, in general, there are languages ​​that are considered difficult to learn compared to others. At the top of these languages ​​are Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic. In Europe, Hungarian is considered the most difficult language there, followed by Finnish.

- Learning languages ​​easily:

The subject may be exaggerated, as learning languages ​​is not easy, especially those complex languages ​​full of grammatical rules, but the matter is not impossible. There are many people who are called multilingual and who have actually succeeded in mastering many languages, which sometimes reach dozens, such as the Brazilian of Lebanese origin, Ziad Fazeh, or the translator at the headquarters of the European Union, Ionis Economou, who succeeded in speaking more than thirty languages.

- Tips for learning languages ​​easily:

-Learn the most used words and verbs.

-Start using what you have learned.

-Watch programs in the language you want to learn.

-Practice conversations with yourself.

-Make the dictionary your friend.

-Accept mistakes and do not give up.

Our languages, dialects and customs differ, and this is natural because of our differences as peoples. However, there is one thing that unites us and must always exist, which is respect, respect for cultural differences, respect for languages ​​and learning them to get to know other peoples and increase communication between us so that we can be one world in which peace prevails.