The most dangerous car in the world

China is considered the first major threat to the USA, as China poses an economic threat to the United States that exceeds any other threat, therefore, the United States always seeks to place obstacles in the way of Chinese industries. It has done so many times previously, including obstructing the Chinese semiconductor industry. Currently, the Chinese electric car industry is witnessing many difficulties due to the obstacles it faces from the United States and other Western countries, such as doubling customs duties in a manner Permanent until it reaches 100% in the USA.

The Chinese danger in the electric car industry lies not only in developing the sector, but also in its attempt to dominate and control the sector globally.

- From the beginning to the top:

BYD started out as a small, little-known battery manufacturer, but it took a very bold step forward in 2007. 

It built its first car and showed it off at a conference in Guangzhou, China. At that time, when executives at American auto manufacturers saw a BYD car for the first time, it was shocking to them, the car's bad paint and asymmetrical door design were ridiculous to some, the BYD car was the laughing stock of the industry at that time. The Americans laughed at BYD at the time. What is surprising is that when American car manufacturers see BYD today, they do not laugh, but are afraid.

Currently, BYD has surpassed Tesla and become the largest electric car manufacturer in the world.

- Not only is BYD:

 China currently owns 77 automobile manufacturing factories, most of which, if not all, have plans to expand production in a way that exceeds the plans of any other company in the world, as Chinese companies are building many factories to expand their production with the aim of controlling the industry globally.

- Thinking outside the box:

BYD is distinguished by having thousands of patents.

BYD has entered the field of manufacturing large electric vehicles, such as electric buses that have invaded European cities, electric airport buses, and electric garbage trucks, and even tractors.

In addition to the partnership with Toyota, after BYD was merely a copyist of Toyota car models in its beginnings, it has today turned into a strong partner and equal through a partnership with Toyota to manufacture joint production of electric cars.

The company offers a wide variety of electrical models in all categories, making them satisfactory for all tastes.

- China's strengths in the field of electric car manufacturing:

China is focusing strongly on the manufacture of electric cars and strongly supports the Chinese companies that manufacture them, with the aim of becoming number one in the world in this field, and it is on the verge of achieving this. Chinese companies that manufacture electric cars invest tens of billions of US dollars every year to develop this field. There is no company. Others in the world invest half of what China spends on developing the electric car industry

The huge Chinese investments enable them to manufacture electric cars at very competitive prices. The ability to produce large quantities with the presence of huge and interconnected supply chains makes it easier for China to produce electric cars at very competitive prices. For example, BYD was able to manufacture a model of the Seagull electric car at a price less than 10,000 US dollars, while the cheapest Tesla Model 3 is currently priced at 39,000 US dollars.

BYD, which stands for Build Your Dreams, was able to fulfil the dreams of many, starting with its founder, who grew up poor and an orphan and has today become one of the most important pioneers in the world, or even its customers who were able to own an electric car at a competitive price.