Elon Musk's brain chip

It has been classified as a revolution in the world of technology, between fact and fiction, supporters and opponents, opinions differ on the idea of implanting a chip in the brain, while many concerns revolve around the idea itself.

For a person to be able to issue orders just by thinking about them is something close to magic, but the brain chip has turned this into reality.

- Details about the slide:

The chip is manufactured by Neuralink, It is a company owned by Elon Musk, and it is a neurotechnology company founded in 2016 with the aim of developing brain-computer interface technologies, which is a technology Brain Computer Interface, It is a system that translates brain signals into commands for external devices, with other words, the chip is of the BCI type, which serves as a link between the computer and the brain.

The chip, called TELEPATHY, works through a battery that charges wirelessly and stores information and commands on a chip that transmits the information wirelessly to the application, It is a system that translates brain commands into commands for external devices.

It is placed inside the brain through surgery and fixed with adhesive materials that reportedly conform to the human body.

- The positive part:

The impressive results achieved by the chip after testing it on animals such as pigs and monkeys that began to control video games, and in the later stage of experiments conducted on humans, where an operation was performed on a person suffering from paralysis, and after implanting the chip in his brain, he was able to control the mouse by just thinking about it.

Some believe that the chip will turn humans into superheroes, as everything around us can be changed as we wish and in the way we like.

- The dark part of the story:

Although the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initially objected to the principle of implanting the chip, as in principle the implantation of a foreign body is a lithium battery in general, it came back and approved it.

After investigating and examining the monkeys that underwent chip implantation, it was discovered by neutral scientists that the monkeys were suffering from serious side effects, including brain tumours, in addition to the sudden death of more than 15 monkeys who had a brain chip implanted.

The chip may be a lifeline for many who suffer from an inability to move. For the paralyzed person who had the chip installed and was able to play chess through his thoughts, it is the best.

But beyond the noble goal of the chip for the brain, the chip hides a lot of mystery, especially at the human level, for example, what if there was a cyberattack on the brain chips in people's heads? Humanity will be controlled by hackers. Then it is impossible to predict what might happen, furthermore, what about controlling a person or company with human brains? Lastly, in the future, will we have the choice to accept or reject the implantation of this chip on us as humans?

Days will reveal whether it is a Neuralink chip will be a new hope or imminent danger?