Is Qatar a small country?

The meaning of a small country may differ from one person to another. If we consider that area and population are a measure, yes, Qatar is a small country, there is no doubt about that, in terms of international standing and available capabilities, Qatar surpasses many countries that have a larger population and area.

Qatar and media:

Qatar has a global position in the media field. It has channels networks with huge budgets that have earned Qatar an important position in the field of media. AL Jazeera news channel network, which broadcasts in several languages and has the largest audience in terms of viewers of international news and the international beIN Sports network, which broadcasts exclusively many international events, in addition to many other networks that broadcast in several languages, such as Arabic, English, and others.

Qatar Airways:

Qatar has one of the largest and best air fleets in the world, not only that, but it is one of the largest growing global airlines, this is in implementation of the company's policy to always reach new destinations, in addition, Qatar airport is one of the best airports in the world, Hamad International Airport, which was ranked this year as the second best airport after Singapore Airport.

Qatar visa:

Visa for Qatar is not difficult, on the contrary, holders of many passports have the right to enter Qatar without a visa, and transit at Qatar airport does not require a visa for the vast majority of countries in the world.

Qatar and politics:

Qatar plays a pivotal role in many international talks and, as a reliable party at the international level, has been able to resolve many disputes through mediation to resolve them.

Qatar was the mediator for prisoner exchanges between the United States and Iran more than once, Qatar was also the mediator in the Afghan peace process between Afghanistan and the United States,

and many others, through which Qatar has often been able, through its initiatives, to stop a military conflict or reduce tension.

Qatar sovereign wealth fund:

Qatar has the fastest growing sovereign fund and the largest in terms of geographical spread around the world. Qatar invests tens of billions in countries around the world such as the UK, France, Germany, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and so on.

Qatar and sporting events:

After the great success achieved by Qatar in hosting the Men's Football World Cup, In addition to many other events, such as the 2019 World Athletics Championships, the 1988 and 2011 Asian Champions League, and the 2021 Club World Cup, Qatar will host the Men's Basketball World Cup in 2027, It also plans to host many international tournaments in the future.

Despite its small area and small population, Qatar has succeeded in many fields at the political, economic and other levels in building a position for itself on the international arena, a position that has enabled it to gain a very important position, it has achieved a high level of prosperity, safety and prosperity at the internal level and diplomatic power at the international level.