Does the UAE have a technological industry?

The shift to technology and the digital system is a strategy followed by countries to facilitate people’s lives and make the procedures followed in transactions faster, The importance of the software field in the development of countries has made the government of the United Arab Emirates harness enormous potential to keep pace with the development taking place, as the UAE has transformed with amazing speed from a country that follows everything new in technology to a pioneering country, and recently to a country exporting technology, applications and other areas of technological development, there are several factories in the UAE, so to speak, to achieve the Emirati government’s plan to lead the list of technology manufacturing countries, We mention from these areas:

Dubai Silicon Oasis:

Located in Dubai, it was established with the aim of strengthening industries based on modern technology and continuing to work to consolidate the role of Silicon Oasis among the world’s most prominent centres for innovation and technology. The city also includes technological infrastructure and advanced communications services, in addition to the advantage of supporting businesses through an investment fund, in addition to a very important advantage, which is The advantage of unlimited government support, in addition, Silicon Oasis is equipped to be an integrated city that includes everything necessary to facilitate the lives of its residents, including housing, schools, entertainment, and other public places.

Dubai Internet City (DIC):

It is a free economic zone and a base for many international companies in the technological field, the city includes about a thousand companies that employ thousands of employees from around the world including the international largest companies that manufacture anti-virus programs, in addition to branches of companies such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and many others.

The UAE provides great support to those wishing to start their technology-related projects, this is done by providing facilities that include the possibility of opening independent projects without the need for an Emirati partner within the free zones, and tax facilities amounting to zero percent, in addition to the ease and speed of company establishment procedures.

Providing institutes and colleges for technology education in each of the seven emirates, in addition to technical centres that prepare hundreds of programmers and people wishing to enter the field of technological creativity.

Charitable initiatives:

The UAE government has provided many initiatives through free courses to educate and equip programmers from different countries.

UAE and artificial intelligence (AI):

The UAE established a Ministry of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy, and Remote Work Applications.

Allocating October 29th of each year for programming, under name, UAE Codes Day. 

Develop a strategy for artificial intelligence and establish a national council for artificial intelligence. 

The Emirates Award for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for the Service of Humanity.

The UAE government also focuses on preparing national cadres of technicians and engineers in the field of technology through the National Program for coders, the United Arab Emirates welcomes the world’s talents to be a home for their innovations, in addition to efforts to develop global partnerships and work to provide the appropriate and stimulating environment for development.