"Flying taxi" The future taxi in the city of the future


The phrase “fly taxi” commonly refers to a mode of transportation called “flying taxis” or “air taxis” which are small aircraft or drones designed to transport passengers from one location to another.

Dubai has been at the forefront of implementing and testing this innovative transportation method.

autonomous and is monitored remotely by a ground control centre.

Dubai's government introduced the Dubai Autonomous Air Taxi (AAT) initiative, the AAT is an unmanned electric drone capable of carrying two passengers. It is designed for short-distance urban transportation and can fly for approximately 30 minutes on a single charge. 

The AAT is an unmanned electric drone capable of carrying two passengers. It is designed for short-distance urban transportation and can fly for approximately 30 minutes on a single charge. The AAT is fully autonomous and is monitored remotely by a ground control centre.

Dubai conducted test flights of the AAT in 2017, and the city has continued to progress in its efforts to establish aerial taxi services.

The government aims to have 25% of all trips in Dubai completed by Autonomous modes of transportation by 2030, and flying taxis are expected to play a significant role in achieving this goal.

While flying taxis are not yet commercially available for public use in Dubai, the government and various companies are actively working towards their introduction.

Dubai government has implemented and initiatives that have been undertaken to make flying taxis a reality in the city:

1.Government support: The Dubai government has shown strong support for flying taxis and has been actively involved in promoting and implementing this involved in promoting and implementing this innovative mode of transportation.

2.Test Flights: Dubai conducted successful test flights of the autonomous air taxis. 

3.Infrastructure Development: To support the operations of flying taxis.

4.Regulatory Framework: Dubai's authorities have been actively involved in establishing the necessary regulations and guidelines necessary to ensure the safe and efficient operation of flying taxis. This includes addressing operational, safety, and airspace issues.

The objective is to offer a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly transportation alternative to alleviate traffic congestion in the city.

Future Plans:

The Dubai government has developed a plan to be the first place in the world equipped for air taxi service, by building flying taxi stations distributed in different areas in Dubai, the stations of the first phase include Dubai International Airport (DXB), Dubai Marina and Palm Jumeirah, and the Dubai government also seeks to ensure air transportation at competitive prices, with a drone system (unmanned aircraft) with a total capacity of up to four passengers initially,  and the flying taxi is electric and therefore environmentally friendly.

Flying car in Abu Dhabi:

The Abu Dhabi government also began experimenting with transporting passengers through a flying car, the service will include the advantage of transporting passengers from Abu Dhabi Airport to the traveller's desired destination, which is a unique experience on the global level.

In a striving of excellence and securing the best service for the whole population of the country and visitors as well, the UAE government strives to find something that will make the lives of its residents always better and better.