The UAE and outer space


Attempts by the UAE government to enter the space field began in 2008, Where the lines are laid to establish the Space project for civilian purposes, The experiments were crowned with success after hard work, and that was in 2014 with the establishment of the UAE Space Agency, the agency is headquartered in Abu Dhabi and has a branch in Dubai.

The UAE Space Agency has set strategic goals to achieve them, and it has already begun to do so, among those goals is to equip Emirati astronauts, to name a few: Hazza Al Mansouri the first emirate in the space, Sultan Al Neyadi, Nora Al Matrooshi the first Emirati female astronaut.

The agency aspires for developing the national agency to rise to the global level and developing space scientific research. By launching a lot of satellites, the first one was project Emirates Mars Mission in 2020 by launching Misbar Al-Amal or as it is called in English Hope probe.

The goals of the UAE conquest of space:

- Development and  scientific exploration.

- The high position of the United Arab Emirates globally in the field of space. 

- Support and participation in global space missions.

- Development of the telecommunications sector.

- Exploiting the resources available in space.

- Double the space sector's contribution to the economy.

- Access to self-sufficiency in this field.

Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology (SAASST):

The centre is considered one of the most comprehensive centres in the world in the field of space and astronomy research.

Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC):

An advanced centre in the field of space research that works to exchange experiences within the field of space with the countries of the world.

The Emirates Lunar Mission:

And the launch of the first Emirati spacecraft to the moon, by launching Rashid spacecraft which was made in UAE 100% by Emirates manufactures.

In a short time, the Emirates succeeded in leaving a mark in the field of space, Where it was able to launch a lots of satellites compared to the period that was not long, like The cubic satellite, MuznSat, to study the atmosphere, KhalifaSat to take detailed pictures of the planet, Dhabi Sat to control guidance and systems, The UAE government has also started adding space science to the educational curricula in schools, establishing an industrial complex for the manufacture of satellites, establishing specialized laboratories to simulate real life on other planets such as Mars.

The space laws:

The United Arab Emirates enact laws to organize the field of space, by establishing legal formulas that guarantee stability, such as the Space Sector Regulatory Act.

The future strategy:

Among the future plans of the United Arab Emirates is the exploration of Venus and the asteroid belt during the coming years and the project to build a human colony to live on Mars by the year 2117.

I think it is one of the advantages of living in a country whose rulers have no limit of ambition, is that you will really reach with your ambitions to skyrocket, it is truly pleasure to live in United Arab Emirates (UAE).