Laws may seem strange for you in the UAE


Laws might vary from country to country, because every country has its own peculiarities, the UAE is the country with the most nationalities in the world, about 200  nationalities, Therefore, maintaining security and safety in a country considered one of the safest countries in the world is not an easy, therefore, laws were enacted in a way that guarantees the best for all, in a way that guarantees the absolute privacy of the individual in a way that does not harm others.

-Taking photographs or filming of accidents carries a penalty of up to three millions dirhim (AED).

-Taking photographs or filming people without their permission face a penalty.

- Cyber Crime punishable by up to one million dirhim (AED).

Spreading rumors it may lead to prison

- Dirty cars the punishment is cleaning and the owner might pay a fine of 3000 dirhim (AED).

- Sanction of insult and libel in public places could reach 10000 dirham.

- Sanction of insult and libel in social media is a fine of up to 250 000 dirhim (AED).

- Crossing through the red light or crossing the street from a place other than the designated place, you will pay 400 dirham (AED).

- Pushing a panic button on public transportation without any reason is a fine of 2000 dirhim (AED).

- Sell anything in public transportation because a fine is 200 dirhim (AED).

- It is strictly forbidden for the employers to delay the payment of salaries more than ten days. 

- The penalty of sleeping in the metro is up to 300 dirhim (AED).

-The penalty of putting your feet up on the seat is up to 100 dirhim (AED).

- It is strictly prohibited to clean the car on the street or in public places. 

- It may seem normal to some, but some cultures are used to it, hanging out the laundry on the balcony overlooking the street is a violation.

- Loud music in the car or smoking in the car if there is a child under 12 years old is prohibited and will result in a penalty, it is certainly that throwing cigarette butts out of the car or smoking in places other than the designated ones, or selling cigarettes to people under the age of eighteen, you will face a very severe punishment that may reach imprisonment.

- For the purpose of fraud protection, fund-raising without a permit is a violation and the fines of this up to 500000 dirhim (AED).

- In the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, companies and factories that violate environmental laws are punished not by paying a fine, but planting trees according to the amount of the violation they committed.

The UAE has succeeded, through its laws, in imposing the safety felt by any resident or tourist in the country, and a law based on the protection of everyone, regardless of nationality, religion, or others. A law based on respect for everyone without allowing anyone to insult anyone's beliefs under the pretext of freedom of opinion and expression.