Kuwait and facts about it

Kuwait is located in the Arabian Peninsula and is one of the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) which also includes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the United Arab Emirates (UAE), State of Qatar, Kingdom of Bahrain and the Sultanate of Oman.

Kuwait has the most valuable currency in the world, Kuwait's currency is the dinar, and it is one of the most stable currencies in the world, currently one (Kuwaiti Dinar) KWD = 3.27 USD.

Kuwait is the second happiest country in the world, according to the misery index which was created by the American economist Arthur Okun, Which determines the percentage of people's happiness according to the criteria of inflation, unemployment and purchasing power, therefore the Kuwaiti people are the second happiest people on earth.

Kuwait is the third richest country in the Middle East after Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, and it is one of the richest in the world, GDP is very high in Kuwait, and the economy is one of the twentieth-largest per capita, it has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world.

Kuwait has about 8% of the world's oil reserves, and the first sovereign wealth fund in the world was established in Kuwait in 1953, with the aim of deducting part of the oil profits for future generations.

The Kuwait Fund and other charitable institutions in the country have contributed strongly to helping poor and developing countries, And all this aid was provided without imposing any political agendas to those countries, that is, with the aim of assistance only.

The Kuwaiti people are educated and interested in reading, and one of the world's most brand fans, for example, the value of Kuwaiti purchases during September 2020 amounted to more than $6 billion.

People of more than 130 nationalities live in Kuwait.

Kuwait national football team is the first Gulf team to qualify for the World Cup, and that was in 1982, also in Kuwait, the first parliament in the Gulf region was established in 1961 by order of the ruler of the country to draw up a democratic constitution that expresses the people.

Women in Kuwait have made huge achievements in the fields of education, employment, management and politics, and many of them have succeeded as businesswomen.

Kuwaiti cuisine is rich in delicious foods, such as Gireesh, Machboos, Mashkhool, Margoog, Quzi, Machboos chicken and many more.

Despite the desert climate and the lack of drinking water, Kuwait was able to achieve growth in its national farms and achieve an increase in its agricultural crops. Kuwait produces crops such as onions, some legumes, melons, melons, bananas, and so on.

Kuwait has nine islands, the largest one is named Bubiyan Island, Which includes  luxury resorts, aqua parks and restaurants, in addition to activities such as diving and boating.

After the Gulf War, Kuwait was able to recover and rebuild the country in record time.

The Kuwaiti economy before the discovery of oil was based on trade and pearl diving.

The Kuwaiti capital bears the same name as the country, which is Kuwait, and Falcon is the national bird.